Today's Liberal News

‘So much of what he said was simply not true’—even Fox News was able to fact check Giuliani presser

Fox News finds itself in the interesting place of trying to perform a 24-hours-a-day paradox. During the day time, they’re pretending to be a normal, fact-driven news network, while during primetime and into the wee hours, they are the fact-free, rhetorically incendiary bigotry factory we have come to expect for the last couple of decades. Why they’re doing this is probably a mixture of reasons.

Mnuchin picks a fight with the Fed in trying to hamstring Biden administration on economic recovery

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, headed out the door with the rest of the Trump administration, decided to try to hamstring President-elect Joe Biden’s coronavirus efforts, and picked a fight with the Federal Reserve while he was at it. The CARES Act passed back in March allotted $454 billion for emergency lending programs run by the Fed and the Treasury in tandem.

Donald Trump thanks parody account claiming to be his sister for her support

Early Friday morning, filtering his media diet to only include yahoos promoting conspiracy theories and baseless election fraud claims, Donald Trump found a heartwarming story. Posted by a Wayne Dupree, the title clearly caught Donald’s eye: “Trump’s Alleged Sister Issues Rare and Bold Statement on 2020 Election and Proves How Much She Believes in Her Brother.” You might want to grab tissues, especially if you cry when you laugh really hard.

ICE is again trying to deport Georgia gynecologist’s victims amid investigation

Ana Cajigal Adan was given just a couple days reprieve before federal immigration officials again tried to deport her. Vice News reported earlier this month that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was set to deport Adan, one of the immigrants who may serve as a key witness in the abuses allegedly carried out by a notorious Georgia gynecologist, until a Democratic legislator stepped in.

Three Republican senators say they’ll support Biden’s cabinet nominees, signaling a possible schism

When Barack Obama was sworn in as president in 2009, Sen. Mitch McConnell had already set out the primary goal of the whole Republican Party as making Obama a “one-term president.” McConnell didn’t succeed in that goal, but he did block the appointment of hundreds of judges, including most notably Merrick Garland. That left Donald Trump with 105 openings to fill on the day he took office.

The Atlantic Daily: 9 Poems for a Tough Winter

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.A scary season looms; poems can steel the spirit, or offer a distraction. Our writers and editors offer nine selections for exactly those purposes. Store them in your heart’s cellar, and retrieve as needed.

Listen: How to Cancel Thanksgiving

The United States has passed a terrible milestone: 250,000 Americans have died of COVID-19. But with the holidays approaching and the spread worse than ever, the situation could become even more dire. Now is the time to have hard conversations about Thanksgiving, even though it will be awkward.On this episode of the Social Distance podcast, James Hamblin and Katherine Wells answer listener questions about the holidays and give advice on how to cancel plans.

Trump Is Getting More Desperate—And More Dangerous

The good news is that President Donald Trump’s attempts to defy the results of the election and remain in office keep falling flat. In court after court, judges have ruled against the Trump campaign and tossed out its lawsuits. Today, Georgia certified Democrat Joe Biden as the winner of the state’s presidential electors, after a federal judge yesterday rejected a prominent conservative lawyer’s suit seeking to block certification.

98 Million TikTok Followers Can’t Be Wrong

Photographs by Michael SchmellingCollab day at Clubhouse Beverly Hills was scheduled to start at 2 p.m., but that time came and went and the mansion was still as sleepy as a college dorm on Saturday morning. In one of the house’s four living rooms, an enormous oil painting of George Washington loomed over a pale leather couch. A whiteboard listed ideas for future TikTok videos: shooting range, wine tasting, go-karts, Joshua Tree.

The Books Briefing: How Literature Helps Us Grieve

During a period of deep grief years ago, the writer Rosie Schaap opened a copy of the collected works of William Blake. The experience of reading his poem “Auguries of Innocence,” she recalled, “lit a little votive in the small, dark chapel of loss, by whose light I started to see a way through.”Like Schaap, many people have found the words to express their loss in literature.

Astra Taylor: Biden Can Cancel Student Debt on Day One. Movements Must Make Him Do It.

The incoming Biden administration is facing increasing pressure to cancel federal student loan debt, something Joe Biden is reportedly considering through executive action, which would not require Congress to pass legislation. Astra Taylor, a member of the Debt Collective, says canceling student debt would be a boon to debtors and the wider economy, and could be part of a larger wave of progressive action from the Biden administration.

Biden Be Bold: AOC & Cori Bush Join Climate Protest Outside DNC Urging Activists to “Bring the Heat”

Indigenous, racial justice and climate activists staged an occupation outside the Democratic National Convention in Washington Thursday, calling on President-elect Joe Biden to take immediate climate action and to approve the Green New Deal. Advocates are also calling for a Cabinet free of lobbyists and others with close industry ties. A number of lawmakers spoke at the protest, including Congresswoman-elect Cori Bush from Missouri and Congressmember Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.