My Family Is Furious I Won’t Pay My Brother’s $200,000 Hospital Bill
Years ago, I pleaded with him to get health insurance. Now I’m being ostracized due to his carelessness.
Years ago, I pleaded with him to get health insurance. Now I’m being ostracized due to his carelessness.
Five former slabs of meat on what it was like serving as human bait.
Joe Biden says the pickup truck is fast. It’s heavy, too.
He rode a roller coaster! He ate a burger for breakfast! His rival is under investigation!
I tried to warn him, but his desire to get out of debt overrode his judgment.
More than 200,000 people have sought reimbursement of up to $9,000 per family for Covid-19-related funeral expenses.
Researchers say the lack of enough drugs for mildly ill patients means that the world may never completely stamp out the virus.
With vaccination slowing the virus’s spread, some schools are reopening without the kind of widespread Covid-19 screening that Biden once envisioned as crucial.
He practically barraged me with links for support and resources “in case things turn out poorly.
The study adds fuel to an intense national debate about what is behind a suspected worker shortage and what policy changes are needed to accelerate Americans’ return to work as the pandemic subsides.
Corporate executives and lobbyists say they are confident they can kill almost all of these tax hikes by pressuring moderate Democrats in the House and Senate.
The White House’s reaction to unexpected jobs and price data has opened the administration up to GOP attacks.
Neel Kashkari of the Minneapolis Fed says things should get better as people overcome fears related to the pandemic.
“There were elements of growth in the balance from what I can see and understand,” Carney said in a long response that didn’t directly answer the question.
The Biden administration is granting more than 100,000 Haitians in the United States the chance to gain temporary protected status, or TPS, which includes work permits and protection from deportation while Haiti suffers a political crisis.
As the world marks the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, attorney Lee Merritt says there is still a long way to go in reforming “the deadliest police culture in the modern world.” Merritt, who has represented the Floyd family and other victims of police brutality, says Republicans and Democrats should come together to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is pretty much the worst. The prominent anti-vaxxer (see here, here, and here, and also here and here as his family runs away from him), anti-masker, and anti-sound health policy scion of the famous family has done incredible damage to our ability to weather and emerge from this global pandemic, making common cause with Republicans like Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin to spread their anti-science, pro-COVID-19 message.
In the news today: New revelations suggest an even broader scope for the investigation into Rudy Giuliani and other Trump allies. William Barr’s manipulation of the Mueller report’s release looks, if possible, even sketchier. And the nation is awash, yet again, with Republican elected officials behaving badly. Really badly.
Imagine for a moment that you’ve been convicted of a crime, and are awaiting sentencing. The prosecutor hands a computer-generated analysis to the judge that declares, based on a secret analysis performed by a complex algorithm, that you should receive the harshest possible sentence, since according to the algorithm you are highly likely to commit future crimes.
Donald Trump really likes Andrew Jackson. “I’m a fan. I’m a big fan,” he declared about the seventh president at a 2017 event commemorating Jackson’s 250th birthday. Trump added that Jackson’s portrait “hangs proudly” up on the wall in the Oval Office—a place it had not been seen for quite some time until he put it there.
Filing closed on Friday for the Seattle mayoral race, which is an open seat after incumbent Jenny Durkan’s surprising retirement after just one term. Fifteen different candidates are seeking the Emerald City’s highest office despite the job’s long track record of being a destroyer of dreams: No Seattle mayor has managed to get reelected since Greg Nickels in 2005, and before that, Norm Rice in 1993.
The former president spent months thanking China’s dictator for his transparency and cooperation on COVID-19 before changing tacks to vilify him and his country.
The bard of the ’60s wasn’t gay, but his art made a huge difference for those who were.
The Manhattan district attorney’s office has not brought any official charges.
State Rep. Mark Samsel allegedly assaulted a 16-year-old student while substitute teaching at a public school in his hometown last month.
A federal research facility’s prioritizing a politically connected darling of right-wing media over its own star scientist shows climate denialism’s lasting power.
I don’t know how many people in the reading public would recognize the name Dan Frank. Millions of them should. He was a gifted editor, mentor, leader, and friend, who within the publishing world was renowned. His untimely death of cancer yesterday, at age 67, is a terrible loss especially for his family and colleagues, but also to a vast community of writers and to the reading public.Minute by minute, and page by page, writers gripe about editors.
The two filibuster defenders issued a statement pleading with Republicans to establish a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.