Today's Liberal News

AOC: U.S. Must Mass Produce COVID-19 Vaccine for World, or Pandemic Could Drag On for Generations

As the COVID-19 pandemic drags on, less than 0.1% of vaccine doses have been administered in low-income countries, according to data available at the end of March, with more than 86% of shots being administered in high- and upper-middle-income countries. “We are not protecting ourselves from the virus, and we frankly are setting up the virus and COVID for being around for generations,” says New York Congressmember Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

CBP’s corruption streak continues, after border agents busted for working with smugglers

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has long been considered one of the most corrupt federal bodies in the nation, with a government commissioned report in 2015 noting that “arrests for corruption of CBP personnel far exceed, on a per capita basis, such arrests at other federal law enforcement agencies,” ProPublica reported in 2019. The department nevertheless continues to get billions upon billions in funding from Congress every single year.

Judge maintains children who saw George Floyd’s murder possibly not traumatized because they smiled

When Black people ask, demand, scream, practically beg white people to show even the tiniest indication that they recognize or are even attempting to learn the Black person’s experience in this country, it’s not just for kicks. There are actual life and death consequences attached to white ignorance of what it means to be Black in America, a country that still overwhelmingly fears Black people.

Wildfires Are Free Pesticide for Spain’s Lizards

On the scruffy shrublands of the Iberian Peninsula, where the summers are parched and sweltering, it doesn’t take much for a spark to catch. The wildfires burn hot and fast, stripping the soil of its characteristic brush like a close shave. What’s left behind is withered and black, and the air stays stifling for weeks.It’s all a bit bleak, but the Algerian sand racer, a burrowing, long-tailed lizard, has struck a tentative truce with the flames.

The Green New Deal Does Not, Strictly Speaking, Exist

Every week, our lead climate reporter brings you the big ideas, expert analysis, and vital guidance that will help you flourish on a changing planet. Sign up to get The Weekly Planet, our guide to living through climate change, in your inbox.Since its ascension in 2018, the Green New Deal has defined the terms of the global climate debate. Perhaps no other climate policy in history has been as successful. Democrats and Republicans alike have been judged by how closely they seem to hew to it.

What Infrastructure Really Means

On March 31, President Joe Biden unveiled a $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan that he lauded as “a once-in-a-generation investment.” The package recalled the construction of the interstate highway system in the 1950s and the public investments in the space race in the ’60s. However, this program is distinguished from those earlier ones not only by its price tag but in its unprecedented scope.