Today's Liberal News

DeSantis using same pandemic playbook that took down Trump

In May 2020, just a couple months into the nation’s explosion of coronavirus cases, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis traveled to the White House to brag about beating COVID-19 in his state. 

“We’ve succeeded,” DeSantis said, accusing the media of spinning a “typical partisan narrative” about what the trajectory of the virus would be in his state.

Here’s how you can donate your extra sky miles and travel vouchers to a refugee family in need

Traveling is one thing a lot of people missed doing when the pandemic first struck. As a result of canceled flights, a lot of us ended up with miles and travel vouchers that we had no idea when it would be safe to use next.  In comes Miles4Migrants, a 501(c)(3) charity that uses donated frequent flyer miles to reunite families around the world separated by war, persecution, and disaster.

Hurricane Henri expected to strike New England this weekend

The good news about Tropical Storm Henri on Saturday morning is that it’s still Tropical Storm Henri. That it, it has not not yet found enough energy to become a hurricane. However, the National Hurricane Center indicates that the storm is just beginning the push that will see it become Hurricane Henri as it heads toward New England. 

In terms of hurricanes, Henri is expected to remain a Category 1 storm, with maximum sustained winds around 80 mph.

People Liked Malls

Since 2005, Amazon has changed how virtually every American shops. That February, the company launched Prime, the first-of-its-kind, lightning-fast subscription delivery service that now has an estimated 147 million members in the United States. Along the way, Amazon invented its own shopping holiday, assembled an army of couriers schlepping your packages in the trunks of their cars, and turned toilet paper into the kind of thing that people have sent to their homes by the case.

The Chair Is Netflix’s Best Drama in Years

Perhaps, like me, you inwardly sigh with the breath of a thousand winds whenever you hear the words cancel culture, as mangled and distorted as the expression has become. If so, know that the people behind Netflix’s The Chair are likely sighing too.

‘When My Satire Becomes Popular, I Must Ask, What Is the Problem?’

Few observers of global discourse range as widely as Elnathan John, the novelist, satirist, and lawyer who frequently participates online and off in conversations about art, politics, and culture pertaining to at least three continents. His novel, Born on a Tuesday, is a coming-of-age story set in his native Nigeria. In Becoming Nigerian: A Guide, he tried his hand at satire.

Jeopardy, a Place Where Facts Used to Matter

Every once in a while, after a commercial break on Jeopardy, Alex Trebek would make an announcement: The judges, he’d say, had done more research. Having consulted an atlas, an encyclopedia, or Google, they’d realized that their initial assessment of a contestant’s answer had been wrong. They would now make things right. In an instant, the dollar-based score on the affected contestant’s podium would change. And then the show, its error thus corrected, would go on.