Today's Liberal News

How to Know You’re Lonely

Listen and subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google PodcastsThe irony in loneliness is that we all share in the experience of it. In this episode of How to Build a Happy Life, we sit down to discuss isolated living and Americans’ collective struggle to create a relationship-centric life. As we continue along our journey to happiness, we ask: How can I build my life around people?This episode features Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, the U.S. surgeon general.

Dayton Police Dragged Paraplegic Man Clifford Owensby from His Car; NAACP Says Arrest Was “Unlawful”

Clifford Owensby says Dayton police violently arrested him last month even though he is paraplegic and repeatedly told them he could not use his legs to get out of the car during a traffic stop. New police bodycam video shows the officers dragging Owensby out of his car and yanking him by his hair as he shouted for help. Owensby had his 3-year-old child in the car at the time of arrest. He has now filed a complaint with Dayton’s branch of the NAACP.

America’s Blue and Red Tribes Aren’t So Far Apart

Large swaths of America’s vaccinated masses—along with elites in the White House, boardrooms, public schools, hospitals, and the mainstream media—are feeling frustrated with their unvaccinated neighbors. And understandably so. COVID-19 vaccines offer stellar protection against hospitalization and death.

The Abortion Backup Plan No One Is Talking About

So many states have restricted access to abortion so severely that people in large swaths of the country feel they have no options if they want to terminate a pregnancy. But technically, those who want an abortion still have options. It’s just that few have heard of them.Pregnant people in Texas, or in any other U.S.

Hack in charge of partisan Wisconsin election review admits he doesn’t know how elections work

When Donald Trump inevitably chokes to death while trying to swallow an entire Costco rotisserie chicken, you can pretty much guarantee he’ll still be clinging to his nonsensical claims about the 2020 election. His belief that he was robbed last November is simply impervious to facts. Meanwhile, any meager morsel of evidence that supports his febrile stolen-election fantasies, no matter how bonkers, immediately gets stovepiped into his creaky, ramshackle husk of a brain.

Slow-moving coup is still moving

Whatever you think of Bill Maher, this is the most important thing he’s said all year. Trump has been methodically purging the GOP of anyone who stands up for democracy, while red state legislators have greatly expanded their power in elections by stripping control from nonpartisan local boards and removing guardians in key counties. Trumpian candidates will be replacing officials who refused to help Trump overthrow the election last year.

Anti-vaxxers yelling at school kids get a response they weren’t expecting

Across the country there has been a Koch-funded Republican caravan of anti-mask and anti-vaccine protests. The levels of disruption and threats to school boards and students getting back to school has varied. Republican operatives have used this as an issue with which they can promote what is left of their long-abandoned platforms of “small government” and “family values.