Today's Liberal News


Robert Kennedy Jr. cavorts with Nazis, and suing Daily Kos won’t make that any less true

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is pretty much the worst. The prominent anti-vaxxer (see here, here, and here, and also here and here as his family runs away from him), anti-masker, and anti-sound health policy scion of the famous family has done incredible damage to our ability to weather and emerge from this global pandemic, making common cause with Republicans like Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin to spread their anti-science, pro-COVID-19 message.

America’s REAL injustice: The plight of the poor hedge fund billionaires

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Folks, you thought “injustice” was all about police brutality in the Black community, the abuse and torture of immigrants on our southern border, gross economic inequality that has seen wealth accumulate at the upper socio-economic strata, the environmental degradation of our planet, but particularly focused on poor communities, rampant propaganda and misinformation in the right-wing echo chamber, attacks on a woman’s right to choose, and evil demonizing of transgendere

Wellness for Activists: Advanced weight loss techniques (or, finding your right diet)

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Welcome to my weekly feature covering ways us activists can lead healthier lives. For a full explanation, check out the inaugural edition here—in short, most of us do a terrible job of taking care of our minds and bodies. This is a science-based exploration of how to change that so we can be around for many years of fruitful activism. You can find other articles in this series here.

Wellness for Activists: You probably aren’t drinking enough water

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Welcome to my weekly feature covering ways us activists can lead healthier lives. For a full explanation check out the inaugural edition here, but in short, most of us do a terrible job of taking care of our minds and bodies. This is a science-based exploration of how to change that, so we can be around for many years of fruitful activism. You can find other articles in this series here.

You don’t drink enough water.

Wellness for Activists: The amazing (science-backed) benefits of practicing kindness

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Welcome to my weekly feature covering ways us activists can lead healthier lives. For a full explanation check out the inaugural edition here, but in short, most of us do a terrible job of taking care of our minds and bodies. This is a science-based exploration of how to change that, so we can be around for many years of fruitful activism. 

I was a sullen, tortured teenager, bitter and angry at the world, as teens often are.

Wellness for Activists: If you do just one thing for yourself, let it be this

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Let’s face it. We spend so much time focused on saving the world, our communities, our families and friends, and the causes we care about, that we kinda do a shitty job taking care of ourselves. I am, of course, painting a broad brush, and you yourself may be a paragon of health and virtue, but we as a community are not immune to broader societal trends of perpetually high stress, insufficient movement, and an overall lack of self care.

A (kind of) farewell to the best friend this community has ever had

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Neeta Lind, aka Navajo, is retiring at the the end of the year. 

She is our beloved Director of Community. I don’t know when she actually started working here and I can’t bother to look it up because to me, Neeta has been tirelessly organizing this community from the very beginning. There is no Daily Kos without her. And I don’t know how you bid farewell to a friend, coworker, and resident diva.

Ron Klain will be Joe Biden’s chief of staff

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President-elect Joe Biden’s first staffing choice is perhaps his most obvious one—Ron Klain will be his chief of staff, considered to be perhaps the toughest job in D.C. And it’s a great choice. 

Klain is perfectly suited for the role. He has been chief of staff to both vice-presidents Al Gore and Joe Biden, as well as Bill Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno at just 31 years of age.

A sickly, hospital-ridden Trump may crush what’s left of his deplorable base

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Anecdotally, Donald Trump’s medical travails aren’t doing him any electoral favors. Several polls are showing the impeached irresponsible dumbass losing ground after his COVID diagnosis, like this one and this one. By all indications, it’s way too early to tell. 

But I’m not here to argue that Trump will lose ground in the head-to-heads.

A sickly, hospital-ridden Trump may crush what’s left of his deplorable base

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Anecdotally, Donald Trump’s medical travails aren’t doing him any electoral favors. Several polls are showing the impeached irresponsible dumbass losing ground after his COVID diagnosis, like this one and this one. By all indications, it’s way too early to tell. 

But I’m not here to argue that Trump will lose ground in the head-to-heads.

That ‘debate’ was bad for America. But it was even worse for Trump

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Urban centers are Democratic. Rural areas are Republican. The battleground? Suburbs, where two years ago, white college-educated suburban women turned on Republicans with a fury, giving Democrats 38 of their 41 House pickups. 

And why did those women turn on Donald Trump, after voting for him in 2016? Yes, the environment and health care loom large. But in the end, it’s the fact that Trump is a bully, and his party is totally okay with it.

Uh oh, NY Times got Trump’s taxes, and it’s even worse than anyone could’ve imagined

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So the assumption was always that impeached soon-to-be-outgoing president Donald Trump hid his taxes for a couple of reasons: he wasn’t as rich as he claimed, and it might provide clues to financial crimes. But mostly, because he wasn’t as rich as he claimed. 

Now that The New York Times has 15 years of his taxes, it’s all that and even more—he’s also a tax cheat.

Trump and GOP rush on replacing RBG out of weakness and fear

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To Republicans, the rush to replace Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a simple proposition: If they don’t replace her right now with a conservative jurist, they’ll lose their chance to replace her. 

In other words, they think they’re going to lose in November.

Their behavior makes this obvious.

The Trump campaign is broke

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It’s been no secret that the Trump campaign is a cesspool of nepotism and corruption. It’s also telling that while the Biden campaign triumphantly announced a record-shattering $365 million haul for August, the Trump campaign has been notably silent. 

And then there was that most telling of tells—the Trump campaign going dark during its convention week, pulling all TV advertising from the airwaves.

Republican convention struggles to rationalize Trump’s failures

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Nailed it: 

Things have gone terribly during Trump’s presidency. This seems to be the main message at the RNC.— Julian Zelizer (@julianzelizer) August 28, 2020

It’s the Republican Party’s dilemma—how do you argue for four more years of this, when “this” is absolute shit? More people died during four days of the Republican National Convention than died on 9/11. There is social unrest throughout our country.

New Civiqs #BlackLivesMatter 50-state poll shows dramatic movement nationwide

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Our Civiqs daily tracking poll spanning three years showed America just how successful and powerful the Black Lives Matter protests have been in radically and rapidly shifting public opinion in favor of dramatic changes to the status quo. It’s no surprise, then, that it received front-page treatment at The New York Times as well as coverage in dozens of media outlets including MSNBC, Bloomberg, Washington Post, Politico, and the Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Democrats will win the Senate (only question is by how much)

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No one should count their chickens before they hatch. This is not what I’m doing. What I’m saying is that if we keep doing what we’re doing, and that guy cowering in the bunker in the White House keeps doing what he’s doing, and Senate Republicans keep carrying water for the guy in the bunker … then yeah, Democrats will pick up the Senate. And I’m not going out on a limb in saying so.