Today's Liberal News

Rep. John Lewis, civil rights hero and the conscience of Congress, has died

The United States lost one of its great living heroes Friday night with the death of Rep. John Lewis. Lewis, 80, had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in December 2019.

Lewis was first elected to the House in 1986, but he first came to national prominence in the 1960s as a civil rights activist. He was a Freedom Rider in 1961, a speaker at the March on Washington in 1963, beaten and arrested repeatedly without ever giving up the fight.

Florida can’t meet residents’ COVID-19 testing needs, but pro sports in Florida have no problem

As COVID-19 continues to tragically break new records of spread throughout the country, our testing capacity is beyond strained. Places like California, early in its response to the growing pandemic, are finding themselves hard-pressed to test enough people fast enough. Meanwhile, insufficient and slow testing and not enough stimulus support from the federal government for the overwhelming majority of Americans has led to new outbreaks.

A San Diego Karen strikes again, demands half of the money raised for barista she harassed

Social media continues to be flooded with stories of individuals who refuse to wear masks amid the novel coronavirus pandemic despite consistent pleas from health officials to do so. Throughout the country, many essential workers are left to deal with violent and rude anti-mask individuals who retaliate when denied services due to safety protocols.

But those being harassed aren’t the only ones sharing their stories on social media.

Susan Collins is up to old tricks, making up new rules to avoid talking Trump and playing the victim

Sen. Susan Collins’ schtick is getting really, really old. All the way back in September 2018, she was throwing her own pity party about all the mean people pledging their loose change to help defeat her in 2020. She’s still at it, trying to make the amazing display of democracy on the part of small dollar donors into something nefarious. It’s a bribe, she says in an extremely convoluted message to would-be donors.

The Atlantic Daily: Is There a Song of the Summer?

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.(THE ATLANTIC)“Can one great bop unite the sweltering, socially distanced masses?” our culture writer Spencer Kornhaber asks.