Can You Really Get a Raise Right Now? A Negotiation Expert Says Do This One Thing.
You don’t need to be the most aggressive person in the room to win.
You don’t need to be the most aggressive person in the room to win.
Generational wealth as seen through one family’s financial history.
Forty-three percent of voters say they’d take a vaccine based on the advice of Anthony Fauci.
The findings, published in Health Affairs, underscore the economic disparities shaping the nation’s coronavirus response.
Trump’s announcement comes as his administration has rolled out multiple health care announcements in recent weeks.
Executives with pharma ties are exempt from disclosing conflicts.
The government initiative aims to provide 300 million doses of a Covid-19 vaccine by January 2021.
The problem? The Main Street lending program isn’t set up to bail out the companies that need it the most.
For young people who grew up amid financial crisis, the pandemic is dashing hopes of job security and a comfortable future.
Spain was worst hit, followed by Portugal and France.
Calls are growing to break up the Big Tech giants, with a handful of companies controlling more and more of the technology industry, crowding out or acquiring would-be competitors and exercising vast power over the U.S. economy. Lawmakers grilled the CEOs of Amazon, Apple, Google and Facebook during a hearing last week on whether their companies are guilty of stifling competition, in a scene reminiscent of the 1994 hearing of tobacco executives who claimed cigarettes were not addictive.
The explosion in the Port of Beirut, which killed at least 100 people and injured about 4,000 others, is the latest blow to Lebanon, which already faces an economic, political and public health crisis amid the coronavirus pandemic. The blast is believed to have been triggered by 2,700 tons of highly explosive ammonium nitrate inexplicably left unattended in a warehouse for six years.
Back to school in Georgia, a raccoon on the mike in California, Highland cattle in Scotland, damage after the explosion in Beirut, a pyrocumulus cloud in California, a bunker shot in England, rafts in a Chinese water park, flooding in Sudan, huge walls in Croatia, cooling in a pool in Spain, and much more.
We must “study and learn the lessons of history.” That’s what the late Rep. John Lewis ordered us to do in the final published remarks of his truly heroic career. President Barack Obama, in his final words to his longtime friend, honored that command.
In what started off as a day of celebration, a viral video depicts a bride in Lebanon posing for a wedding shoot moments before a massive explosion in Beirut killed at least 135 and injured thousands. Seconds into the video, a loud blast can be heard during which the wedding photographer, identified as Mahmoud Nakib, turns to show the increasing damage, smoke-filled air, and people running for safety. But instead of thinking of herself, the viral video’s bride Dr.
Former Trump aides are out of prison during the pandemic, while the woman who leaked information about Russian election interference is still behind bars.
The pandemic, with its shutdowns and kids home from school, is hitting working mothers hard. When kids are home, the burden falls on women in the vast majority of families, and many women are being forced to scale back at work, leave their jobs, or take on serious new stresses. It’s something that many experts warn could be a generational setback for women in the workforce.
Whether or not you weathered the weather that Hurricane Isaias flung at big chunks of the eastern seaboard this week, metaphorical storms continue to rage everywhere.
Amid this, a number of states also held their primary elections.
One of those states was Arizona, which is a pretty good excuse to highlight its House and Senate in this week’s installation of my multi-part look at top legislative chamber targets this fall.
Children are not “nearly immune” to the coronavirus, Sandra Smith told her guest.
Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.(BRIAN L. FRANK / THE NEW YORK TIMES / NIH / THE ATLANTIC)This pandemic was once counted in weeks, then months; now we measure time in seasons, and hope that doesn’t slip into years.
As the number of COVID-19 cases rises in Puerto Rico, one of the ironies of the situation on the island is that, though Puerto Rico is home to 12 of the world’s 20 top-grossing pharmaceutical companies, several of whom manufacture COVID-19 tests and reagents, they aren’t being readily supplied to Puerto Ricans.
New jobless claims declined a bit last week after two weeks of increases but remain above 1 million per week.
The president referred to the Asian country as “Thighland” before correcting himself.
Trump’s remarks signaled how contentious the campaign may get over the coming months.
Give the agency the money it needs—and anticipate every single way Trump could mess with the mail anyway.
Updated at 11:15 p.m. ET on August 6, 2020.What is TikTok though? It’s an app for creating and sharing short videos, but that description undersells its delight: lip-synched anthems that spawn split-screen duet replies; “challenges” that turn boring tasks into virtuosic dances; wry, incisive takedowns of national politics by teens too young to vote; pets, kids, emo kids, emo pets, and comedians.That’s part of what TikTok is, anyway.
The Breville Juice Fountain Cold Plus is now 20 percent off.
How to get a grandma obsessed with body image to stop talking about weight in front of her impressionable grandkids.
Joe Biden’s potential running mate worked as a private consultant for foreign governments in 2001-2. It’s not clear who her clients were.