HHS secretary: ‘A lot of folks would listen’ if Trump made vaccine PSA
Xavier Becerra’s remarks come as the U.S. vaccine supply is beginning to outpace demand.
Xavier Becerra’s remarks come as the U.S. vaccine supply is beginning to outpace demand.
The post-pandemic office is coming into view.
Outrage is growing in Philadelphia after explosive revelations that the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University have been in possession of remains thought to belong to two children who were among 11 people killed in the 1985 police bombing of the Philadelphia home of the radical, Black liberation and anti-police-brutality group MOVE.
Hundreds of demonstrators have taken to the streets of Elizabeth City, North Carolina, to protest the police killing of Andrew Brown Jr., a 42-year-old Black father shot dead in his car on April 21. On Monday, authorities allowed Brown’s family and attorney to watch a 20-second video clip of the shooting. The family says it shows Brown was shot in the back of the head while his hands were on the steering wheel of a car, calling it an “execution.
How best to celebrate your overworked, stressed-out mom.
When I got my first tattoo from this artist, she tactfully said it wasn’t her favorite.
Parenting advice on anger management, mommy tracks, and pets.
Specializing earlier in life doesn’t necessarily better prepare people for careers.
Novavax’s rise comes as pressure to increase the supply of Covid-19 vaccines is growing amid concerns that unequal access globally will extend the pandemic.
The GOP campaign to take back the streets, even if by force.
The original false account of George Floyd’s murder challenges old habits of journalism.
Losing your umpteenth bidding war just might radicalize you.
The company is targeting one of news organizations’ weak points.
America also intends to pay for an expansion of manufacturing capability for the vaccine manufacturer in India.
For the fourth straight day, India set a global daily record for new infections.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki further stoked those fears on Thursday when she listed health care as separate from the forthcoming infrastructure pitch.
There’s a lobbying war over how HHS implements new protections shielding patients from large, unexpected medical bills.
Chrystia Freeland uses Budget 2021 to reveal Canada’s new emissions target.
The numbers signal the U.S. is well on its way toward a revival, one that’s widely expected to reach record levels of growth later this year.
This month, Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, India’s capital and home to millions, tweeted that the city was facing an “acute shortage” of medical oxygen.
In the news today: Newly released census data results in some reapportionment surprises an Arizona Republican “audit” of the state’s vote totals is shaping up to be every bit the fiasco it was predicted to be. The Biden administration makes another move to boost childhood nutrition during the pandemic crisis.
Nearly four years ago, Juana Luz Tobar Ortega became the first undocumented immigrant in North Carolina to publicly go into sanctuary under the previous administration. Nearly four years later, Tobar Ortega has been able to go home due to new Biden administration priorities, last week becoming the last undocumented immigrant in the state to leave sanctuary.
The all-Democratic special election runoff for Louisiana’s vacant 2nd Congressional District saw state Sen. Troy Carter defeat fellow state Sen. Karen Carter Peterson 55-45 on Saturday. Carter will succeed Cedric Richmond, who resigned from this New Orleans area district in January to take a post in the Biden White House.
Many national observers saw the contest between Carter and Peterson (who are not related) as a battle between moderates and progressives.
The Washington Post’s fact checker tallied all the false and misleading claims Biden made in speeches, interviews and tweets since taking office.
A Gallup tracking poll found that consumer confidence in the nation’s economy was a net positive in April—+2 points to be exact—for the first time since Donald Trump declared a national emergency in early March 2020.
After the brief national lockdown, Gallup’s Economic Confidence Index dropped to -32 in early April 2020 and has been climbing out of a hole ever since. The latest survey was conducted April 1 to April 21.
The “GOP Democracy Report Card” gives grades to members of Congress based on whether they supported Trump’s lie about the election being stolen from him.
While Republican officeholders like Kevin McCarthy double down on their strategy of gaslighting the public about what transpired at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, a reality check may be in order: As prosecutors themselves earlier suggested, it is now apparent that this event is becoming the largest and most complex prosecution in U.S. history, as the Justice Department made clear over the weekend that it expects to charge more than 500 people in the matter.
The Democrat, who won by a landslide in 2018, must now gear up to fight for his job.
“A graphic and a script incorrectly implied that it was part of Biden’s plan for dealing with climate change. That is not the case,” anchor John Roberts said.
She has fallen for other scams before and lost money, and she doesn’t have much to begin with.