Today's Liberal News

Nesima Aberra

Behind the Byline With Adam Serwer

In our series “Behind the Byline,” we’re chatting with Atlantic staffers to learn more about who they are and how they approach their work. Adam Serwer is a staff writer on the Ideas desk who focuses on politics, race, and citizenship.This interview has been lightly edited and condensed.Nesima Aberra: How would you describe your beat?Adam Serwer: I would say that for the past few years my beat has been race and citizenship.

Behind the Byline With Hannah Giorgis

In our series “Behind the Byline,” we’re chatting with Atlantic staffers to learn more about who they are and how they approach their work. Hannah Giorgis is a staff writer who covers culture.This interview has been lightly edited and condensed.Nesima Aberra: How have you been lately?Hannah Giorgis: Today, I am in better spirits than I have been. I think some of that has been that I feel a little clearer on some of my work that didn’t feel granular to me.

Behind the Byline With Ed Yong

In our series “Behind the Byline,” we’re chatting with Atlantic staffers to learn more about who they are and how they approach their work. Ed Yong is a staff writer who covers science. He writes about everything from hagfish slime to giraffe tackling, but since March, he has focused all his reportorial energy on the pandemic.This interview has been lightly edited and condensed.