The Most Controversial Super Bowl Ad Was Also One of the Worst. The Best One Nobody Saw Coming.
Even Patrick Mahomes couldn’t outflop these ads.
Even Patrick Mahomes couldn’t outflop these ads.
Even Patrick Mahomes couldn’t outflop these ads.
Even Patrick Mahomes couldn’t outflop these ads.
Even Patrick Mahomes couldn’t outflop these ads.
Even Patrick Mahomes couldn’t outflop these ads.
Even Patrick Mahomes couldn’t outflop these ads.
Even Patrick Mahomes couldn’t out-flop these ads.
Even Patrick Mahomes couldn’t outflop these ads.
Juul’s parent companies are directing $45 million worth of damages to the vaping public.
Juul’s parent companies are directing $45 million worth of damages to the vaping public.
Juul’s parent companies are directing $45 million worth of damages to the vaping public.
Juul’s parent companies are directing $45 million worth of damages to the vaping public.
The board game “Puerto Rico” begins after everyone around the table receives a mat printed with the verdant interior of the game’s namesake island. Players are cast as European tycoons who have trekked across the Atlantic at the height of the Age of Exploration. “In 1493 Christopher Columbus discovered the easternmost island of the Great Antilles,” read the back of the game box that once sat on my living-room shelf.