Today's Liberal News

L. A. Johnson


In California, even the worst
of us is forgiven: flooding roads
lead to freeway superbloom, birds
make nests out of all our trash.
And despite drought, jacarandas
spike purple in July, their roots
cracking the concrete. Once, I
tripped under one, tore the skin
off my knees. And at last removed
the leftover scars of childhood.
My father fell once outside  
the dirtiest apartment I lived
in that overlooked the freeway
on a street where no one walked.


After the store-bought Christmas
dinner was ordered     purchased
picked up by me     and presented on
ceramic dinner plates because
it is Christmas     after all
After dietary preferences were
accommodated     wine of both colors
was opened     poured     and drunk
and the bottles were hauled by me
in a large wicker basket in the dark
to the recycling bin     After
the leftover food was scraped
by me into the trash   &nb