Today's Liberal News

Cara Zelaya

In 2013, my neighbor planned to kill everyone in my building: My timeline with gun violence

In 2013, my next-door neighbor in college planned to kill everyone in my building. He had 1,000 rounds of ammunition, and four bombs he had made in his room. We shared a wall.

The police found he had been planning this for months. He pulled the fire alarm so that all the students would exit their rooms, and he planned to open fire and kill them all. When this was happening, I was at my then-boyfriend’s apartment three miles away.

It’s not too late. We can still get rid of Republican gerrymandering in 2020

Republican gerrymandering is one of the main causes of how wildly corrupt people like Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell have been able to not only get control but more frighteningly still—expand it. 

We all get sucked into the latest headline-grabbing crime that Trump and his gang of the-worst-people-you’ve-ever-heard-of have been up to. So consider this your daily reminder to keep our eyes on the prize.

How Sarah Palin’s culture war affects us in 2020

Like many of you, I spent the better part of last week being excited about the announcement of Sen. Kamala Harris being Joe Biden’s running mate. With all that excitement in mind, I couldn’t help thinking about a thread that my colleague David Neiwert posted a few months back about perhaps the most infamous vice presidential candidate of all time: Sarah Palin.

How Did We Get Here? Everything You Need to Know About Confederate Monuments

Hello, Daily Kos community! We are back at It again with another episode of “How Did We Get Here?” 

This week we are tackling, or should I say toppling, Confederate monuments.

The topic of the Confederacy is near and dear to my heart as someone who was raised primarily in the American South. I’ve lived in Louisiana and Georgia, as well as different cities in North, Central, and South Florida.

Defunding the police: What does it mean in 2020?

Have you heard the phrase “defund the police” a lot recently? Do you support reallocating budgets from the police to community strategies?

In this new episode of  “How Did We Get Here?”  (my weekly show on our Daily Kos YouTube channel) I break down what it actually means to defund the police. 

YouTube Video

The transcript can be found below.