Today's Liberal News

Alan Taylor

Photos of the Week: Soccer Zoom, Wading Elk, Global Rainbow

Continued burials of coronavirus victims in Chile, dinosaur art in Shanghai, an outdoor town meeting in Massachusetts, ongoing protests against police brutality and systemic racism worldwide, workout pods in California, phased reopening of Grand Teton National Park, a horse named Mr. Glitter Sparkles in England, the Skyline Drive-In in Brooklyn, the removal of a Confederate statue in Houston, and much more.

Cautious Reopenings Across Europe

Over the past few weeks, governments across Europe have been slowly easing coronavirus lockdown restrictions—some moving in phases, others more quickly. Nonessential businesses, churches, museums, and more public places are being allowed to host visitors once again, with new rules in place to enforce smaller crowd sizes and proper social distancing. Collected below are images from across Europe over the past two weeks, as different countries emerge from months of pandemic lockdown.

Delaware: Images of the First State

Fewer than 1 million people live in Delaware, the second-smallest state in America by area. The region is primarily coastal: The state’s entire eastern border is formed by the Delaware River and Delaware Bay. Below are a few glimpses of the landscape of Delaware and some of the wildlife and people calling it home.This photo story is part of Fifty, a collection of images from each of the United States.

Photos of the Week: Monastery Move, Desert Ride, Backpack Pup

Rhythmic gymnastics on a British seashore, anti-racism protests across the United States, the funeral procession of George Floyd in Houston, a defaced statue of King Leopold II in Brussels, a moment of silence at Atlanta Motor Speedway, a wildfire in California, idled elephants in Thailand, a sea turtle release in Bali, and much more.

Coronavirus: Health Care in Brazil’s River Communities

Brazil has reported more than 775,000 cases of the new coronavirus and has attributed more than 39,800 deaths to the disease so far, with daily death tolls continuing to climb in recent days—as many as 1,200 per day. While President Jair Bolsonaro has tried to downplay the threat, local authorities and communities are working hard to slow the spread of the virus, as well as to treat those affected.

Images From a Worldwide Protest Movement

Over the weekend, demonstrations took place around the world, with thousands of people outside the United States marching to show solidarity with American protests over the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. In many places, marchers also voiced their anger about systemic racism and police brutality within their own countries.

Alabama: Images of the Yellowhammer State

Nearly 5 million people live in Alabama, which takes its nickname from its state bird, the yellowhammer. The terrain of Alabama ranges from mountains in the north, to rolling hills and gentle plains sloping toward Mobile and the Gulf Coast in the southwest. Below are a few glimpses of the landscape of Alabama and some of the wildlife and people calling it home.This photo story is part of Fifty, a collection of images from each of the United States.